For Recipients
Here are resources you will need if you have been awarded a Southern IPM Grant.
As a reminder, you are required to cite the grant using a year-appropriate acknowledgement statement, a logo from the Southern IPM Center, and a USDA NIFA logo.
At a minimum, please include the following acknowledgment on any publications, websites, posters, slide presentations, etc. generated by your Center-funded project. Please include the links when possible or appropriate.
Please replace Project S##-### with your official project number in the Grant Management System.
Official Citation:
Funded by the Southern IPM Center (Project S##-###) as part of USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Crop Protection and Pest Management Regional coordination Program (Agreement No. 2022-70006-38002).
Short Version:
If you need a shorter version, you can also use the citation below. Please use the full citation above when at all possible.
Funded by the Southern IPM Center (Project S##-###) as part of USDA NIFA CPPM RCP (Agreement No. 2022-70006-38002).
For Grants received 2023 - 2026, please use Agreement No. 2022-70006-38002 .
For Grants received 2019 - 2022, please use Agreement No. 2018-70006-28884.
Southern IPM Grants Contact:
For information about a Southern IPM Grant citation or the program in general, please contact Roger Magarey at
Other Helpful Links:
About Southern IPM Grants Programs